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Lag luam wholesale Lintratek Ib Band Repeater GSM DCS UMTS Lte 2G 3G 4G Mobile Signal Booster Repeater

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Peb muab qhov no KW13A 4G xov tooj ntawm tes teeb liab booster GSM DCS ib pawg 65dB nce Circuit Court board nrog LCD zaub screen ib xyoo warranty. nws yog classical qauv ntawm lintratek, tau upgraded peb zaug kom paub tseeb tias cov muaj nuj nqi yuav ua hauj lwm zoo dua. Nws tuaj yeem txhawb nqa los txhawb cov zaus no: 900mhz (GSM), 1800mhz (DCS), 2100mhz (WCDMA). KW13A yog nrov heev thiab muag kub hauv Russia, Ukraine thiab lwm lub tebchaws nyob sab Europe xyoo.

Peb muabOEM & ODM Kev pabcuam

Rov qab rau hauv30 Hnub!

Ib XyooGuarantee &Lub Neej NtevKev tu!

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Tau txais kev yuav khoom txaus siab yog peb lub tuam txhab lub hom phiaj mus ib txhis. Peb tab tom yuav ua cov tswv yim zoo los tsim cov khoom tshiab thiab zoo tshaj plaws, ua kom txaus siab rau koj qhov yuav tsum tau ua ua ntej thiab muab koj nrog kev muag khoom ua ntej, ntawm-muag thiab tom qab-muag kev daws teeb meem rau Lag luam wholesale Lintratek Ib Band Repeater GSM DCS UMTS Lte 2G 3G 4G Mobile Signal Booster Repeater, Raws li ib pab pawg neeg paub txog peb kuj lees txais kev txiav txim. Lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm peb lub tuam txhab yog ib txwm tsim kom muaj lub cim xeeb txaus siab rau txhua tus neeg yuav khoom, thiab teeb tsa kev sib koom ua lag luam mus ntev-yeej.
Tau txais kev yuav khoom txaus siab yog peb lub tuam txhab lub hom phiaj mus ib txhis. Peb tab tom yuav ua cov tswv yim zoo los tsim cov khoom tshiab thiab cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws, ua kom txaus siab rau koj qhov yuav tsum tau ua ua ntej thiab muab koj nrog kev muag khoom ua ntej, ntawm-muag thiab tom qab-muag kev daws teeb meem rauTuam Tshoj Mobile Signal Booster thiab Jio 2g 3G 4G Signal Booster, Ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "Enterprising and Truth-Seeking, Preciseness and Unity", with the technology as the core, our company continues innovate, dedicated to provide you with the superior cost-effective products and meticulous after-mold service. Peb ntseeg ruaj khov tias: peb yog cov zoo tshaj plaws raws li peb tau tshwj xeeb.
Qhov no KW13A 4G xov tooj ntawm tes teeb liab booster yog kub-muag qauv boosting GSM DCS ib tug band 65dB nce Circuit Court board nrog LCD zaub screen ib xyoo warranty. Nws tau dhau los ua peb lub sijhawm optimization kom paub tseeb tias qhov ua haujlwm zoo dua ntawm cov teeb liab wireless repeater. Keeb kwm, nws tau tsim nyob rau hauv kev pom xiav nrog cov khoom siv hlau, peb kuj muab kev pabcuam OEM / ODM raws li koj qhov kev thov. Lintratek tau tsom mus rau kev tsim khoom thiab muag khoom ntawm kev sib txuas lus rau txog 15 xyoo. Tus qauv KW13A 4G xov tooj ntawm tes teeb liab lub koob yees duab yog qhov muag zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv ntau lub teb chaws xws li Russia thiab Cambodia… Dab tsi ntxiv, Lintratek kuj muaj ntau lwm cov qauv sib txawv ntawm cov xov tooj ntawm tes los yog lub kav hlau txais xov zoo rau koj xaiv.


Handheld light home siv xov tooj ntawm tes teeb liab booster

Outlook Tsim

Xiav hlau los yog xim customized nrog LCD zaub screen


100 * 130 * 20mm, 0.28kgs

Pob Loj

380 * 220 * 100mm, 1.2kgs

Txhawb Kev Tshaj Tawm

(Band 8) GSM 900MHZ

(Band 3) DCS 1800MHZ

(Band 1) WCDMA 2100MHZ

Max Kev Pabcuam

200 sqm

Tso zis zog

10 ± 2dBm

13 ± 2dBm

Tau txais

60 ± 2 dB

65 ± 2dB


≥50000 teev

Fais fab mov

AC: 100 ~ 240V, 50 / 60Hz; DC: 5V 1A

EU / UK / US tus qauv

Kev siv fais fab

<5 W

Dab tsi ua rau KW13A 4G xov tooj ntawm tes teeb liab ua kom nrov nrov thiab muag kub yog rau nws cov khoom siv txawb nqa tau yooj yim, tsim nyog tus nqi txawm tias ntawm ib qho khoom siv tag nrho cov teeb liab amplifier nrog kev sib txuas lus cable thiab kav hlau txais xov, thiab nws ua haujlwm zoo.

signal booster ntau lawm

Q1: Peb puas tuaj yeem siv lub teeb liab amplifier hauv lub tsheb?
A: Yog, nrog lub zog tsheb thiab lub tsheb nqus kav hlau txais xov tuaj yeem siv tau.

Q2: Ntev npaum li cas tuaj yeem tau txais lub teeb liab?
A: Tsuav yog muaj lub teeb liab muaj zog txaus sab nraum zoov, tus kav hlau txais xov tuaj yeem khaws lub teeb liab, thiab nws yooj yim dua kom tau txais thiab nthuav cov teeb liab tsis muaj kev cuam tshuam.

Q3: Nws yuav siv sij hawm ntev npaum li cas rau nkoj tom qab tso qhov kev txiav txim?
A: Nws nyob ntawm qhov ntau, yog tias muaj ntau, nws yuav siv sijhawm 7 hnub ua haujlwm kom xa cov khoom. Yog tias qhov ntau me me, nws yuav raug xa hauv 1-3 hnub ua haujlwm.Gauning buyer gratification yog peb lub tuam txhab lub hom phiaj nyob mus ib txhis. Peb tab tom yuav ua cov tswv yim zoo los tsim cov khoom tshiab thiab zoo tshaj plaws, ua kom txaus siab rau koj qhov yuav tsum tau ua ua ntej, thiab muab koj nrog kev muag khoom ua ntej, ntawm-muag, thiab tom qab muag kev daws teeb meem rau Lag luam wholesale ODM Lintratek Ib Band Repeater GSM Dcs UMTS Lte 2G 3G 4G Mobile Signal Booster Repeater 850 900 1800 2100 MHz, Raws li ib pab pawg neeg paub txog peb kuj lees txais kev txiav txim. Lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm peb lub tuam txhab yog ib txwm tsim kom muaj lub cim xeeb txaus siab rau txhua tus neeg yuav khoom thiab teeb tsa kev sib koom ua lag luam mus ntev-yeej.

Lag luam wholesale ODM Mobile Signal Booster thiab 2G 3G 4G Signal Booster, Ua raws li lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "Kev Lag Luam thiab Qhov Tseeb-Nrhiav, Preciseness thiab Unity", nrog cov thev naus laus zis ua qhov tseem ceeb, peb lub tuam txhab txuas ntxiv tsim kho tshiab, mob siab rau muab koj tus nqi siab tshaj- cov khoom siv tau zoo thiab kev pabcuam zoo tom qab muag. Peb ntseeg ruaj khov tias: peb yog cov zoo tshaj plaws raws li peb tau tshwj xeeb.

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